
The Sweet Smell of Therapy

Recently I was at an event where someone sitting near me was wearing too much cologne or perfume. The overwhelming sweet odor nearly made me sick and I could barely breath. Having had multiple head injuries, my sense of smell is greatly reduced, so it is of some concern when *I* can be overwhelmed by such a strong odor.

During this odoriferous torture, I was reminded of how important it is during a pet therapy visit to be courteous of others in this domain. Perfumes and body colognes should be kept to a bare minimum, even better, don't wear any such scented stuff. Patients can be sensitive or even allergic to perfumes and you wouldn't want to spoil an otherwise good visit by smelling too strongly.

Even your dog should be minimal on perfumed odors. I bathe my dog with oatmeal (pet) shampoo as it is very mild for frequent bathing as well as being pleasant, though low on the odor scale.

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