
Happy Memorial Day

Jazz with her big brother, Elvis ~ roughly 5X her size.

Don't try this at home kids..... this is two dogs on one flexi-lead. Not a trick for the novice or for dogs who aren't used to working very well together. Jazz & Elvis take two daily walks down our dead-end, very quiet lakeside street. Most of the time Jazz is off-lead entirely. This image was taken early in our walking adventures, before her reliability became evident.

Jazz thinks she's a big dog and is more comfortable with large individuals. Elvis thinks he's a small dog..... so the two get along famously! Sometimes I think Elvis would have more fun at the local Dachshund meetings than Jazz...... although the Doxies might freak!

Happy Memoral Day!


Learning to Snuggle

Some dogs snuggle with anyone. Others learn to snuggle over time and to become comfortable on a somewhat intimate level with strangers. This takes time, patience and tons of conditioning.... which means tons of snuggling. Fortunately, most owners don't mind giving all this extra snuggling to their fur friend!

Jazz tends to be "formal" with strangers. She's friendly, but on a more formal level. Her biggest signal of "friendly greeting" is a low bow with her paws extended towards the person. Petting her paws gently is a way to acknowledge her greeting.

Last week at Transitional Care, we met a lady who was sitting up in her bed. Jazz joined her and the lady relaxed into petting Jazz. To our surprise, Jazz curled up beside her and really snugged!! I asked the lady if she had dogs (thinking she's a "dog person"), she said she had never had dogs but would love one someday. What a gift to have a sensitive, somewhat shy dog totally bond with her.

We ended our visit (at the center) after hitting that high note. It just doesn't get any better than that.

Keep spending daily time "mega snuggling" with your dog.... it works.