
Jazz's 5 Minutes of Fame

Jazz was the perfect therapy dog at the HABIT informational meeting. She politely greeted all the folks who approached her and was her usual "lady like" self. Then came her moment to be with me before the entire audience as I shared what the "Ruff Reader" program is all about (reading program in the public schools).

We walked out confidently and with a spring in our step after being introduced. Jazz was especially bouncy. At least she wasn't shy! As I addressed the audience and began to speak, I felt Jazz jump up on my legs and I could tell she wanted to play (!!!!!). I calmed her, and I could feel a blush of embarrassment coming on. I continued speaking to the audience and a giggles began to erupt from the audience. I looked down and there was Jazz, rolling around on the floor, kicking her legs up in the air, playing with her lead and having the best time! Now I was embarrassed! But Jazz was certainly entertaining the crowd and lightening the mood! Her antics continued throughout my talk as I tried to calm her....... I cut my talk short to make an escape and relieve Jazz of what is obviously "her" way of dealing with stress.

She was a hit with the prospective volunteers! I wasn't mortified....but I was quite surprised, only mildly amused and a bit embarrassed by my "wild" therapy dog.


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