
Smoky Mountain Pet Fair


Sunday September 21st
Pearson Springs Park
Maryville, TN

11:am - 5:pm

Promoting Animal Rescue, Adoption, Spay & Neuter

Fun competitions, prizes, medals
Frisbee toss, hurdles, high jump and a whole lot more:

Rescue groups, face painting, micro-chipping, K9 police dogs, adoptable pets, wildlife rehab, pet therapy, great food, ferrets, vendors, live music, exotic birds, pet photography, rabbits, products & services........ AND "Sparky" the fire dog (with the fire engine!).

Come on out for the fun and meet Jazz and her humans at the HABIT exhibit. Nestle may be there too....but only for the socialization (he's not a HABIT dog....yet). It'll be a howling good time!


schnauzmommy said...

Thanks for coming to the Pet Fair! We hope you had a great time!
Terri Lane
Special Events Coordinator
Blount County Humane Society

Poodlebugs said...

OMG! That photo of Ness and Elvis is just priceless! I hope you have this one blown up and on your wall!