All the girls in Jazz's family are sporting the latest in summer fashion.....stitches.
Jazz underwent the common canine surgery, spaying, on July 3rd. Her procedure went very well and her recovery has been relatively easy. Stitches come out at the end of the week (July 11th or so).
For the rest of the girls, it was a bit more traumatic event leading to stitches. July 5th was a lovely day filled with swimming, snacking, fireworks, boating. Towards the close of the night yours truly and daughter opted for a midnight swim. Daughter Sarah made a run along the dock for a dramatic splash which was abruptly interrupted by cries of pain. I came to her rescue and was halted by a similar, painful circumstance. Pain seared through my foot. I looked down to find the bottom portion of a glass beneath my foot. I sat and applied pressure while the rest of the partying gang attended to the injured Sarah. Sarah was carried inside while I made a gimping dash. After some emergency care on Sarah the party atmosphere doused from some bloody reality...off to the ER we went.
As it turns out Sarah and I sustained nearly an identical injury to the big toe on our left foot. Both of us have a large, deep gash across at mid-toe. We don't know at this time how many stitches we each have, but guesses are "10" at the minimum.
Sadly, pet therapy visits are postponed till the Perry girls can again walk without crutches, and Jazz's stitches are removed.
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