Jazz joined a 5th grade classroom this school year where she makes a weekly visit during reading time. As her human, I am delighted to report how very much Lady Jazz enjoys these delightful young lads and ladies! Of course, Jazz will at times succumb to her shy demeanor, but all in all she is always excited and delighted to be there and share time with her young friends.
It is a treasure to see Jazz settle comfortably near her reader and quietly shut her eyes as she is soothed by their calm vocal cadence as they read to her. It is also a delight how much the students enjoy sharing this time with Jazz. It would be such a gift is she could spend more time with them!
A special treat for Jazz and for her boy, William, is that this is *his* 5th grade class that she visits. This was by special arrangement and has worked out quite well for all involved. Jazz's boy is mildly autistic, and she can be a wee bit shy.... so meeting in this particular setting is a delight for both.
Jazz wishes to share that we treated her to a trip up to the snow this past weekend:

It was late in the day so we dared not travel too far up the mountain. This was taken at 3,000' elevation where there was several inches of snow and the road slushy. Jazz pranced around with unbridled delight (but is always willing to cop a nice pose for the camera)! This weekend we will hope to make it to the top (6,000') where the snow is told to be over 3'!